速報APP / 遊戲 / Book of Science

Book of Science





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Book of Science(圖1)-速報App

This book contains over 700 multiple choice question on the fundamentals of science (based on the curriculums of physics, chemistry and biology)

Once a correct answer has been chosen then an explanation is viewed to aid understanding. Choosing a specific topic will focus learning within that particular area.

The more questions you get correct the more stars are earned.

Book of Science(圖2)-速報App

Question topics include the following subjects:-

Physics: - Force, Magnetic, Energy, Electricity, Waves, Lenses, Medical, Atoms and Graph

Chemistry: - Atomic Structure, Bonding, Quantitive, Chemical Changes, Energy Changes, Rates of Reaction, Organic, Analysis and Earth.

Book of Science(圖3)-速報App

Biology: - Cells, Organisation, Infections, Bioenergetics, Homeostatasis, Inheritance and Ecology

This app will help you understand the fundamentals of science, covering physics, chemistry and biology.

Book of Science(圖4)-速報App